Our Mission Statement: To bring people into the family of Jesus Christ, and ensure that they are placed in a church body where they can be developed into Christian maturity and equipped for their ministry in the church in order to magnify God’s name.

Purpose & Vision

"Word of Life Evangelism Ministries", is an "Evangelism" ministry, and was founded by Evangelist Richard and Nita Dobson in January 2006. The aim of the ministry is to spread the message of the Gospel. To reach the previously unreachable people in southern Africa and eventually internationally. Expansion programs are taking place all the time as this ministry strives to meet the needs of the local and the international community. We are in close partnership with the local churches and their leaders. In light of the urgency of the hour and the spiritual hopelessness of man, we are committed to a life of obedience to Jesus Christ to proclaim the Gospel and establish His church. We depend completely on GOD to supply our resources and enable our ministry. We depend on the Holy Spirit to use the written and spoken Word of God. The Bible is our guide for faith and practice. We are servants of Jesus Christ, committed to give our lives for others and to show Christ’s love in word and deed. Our desire is to have a multinational membership team working together in harmony towards the fulfillment of the Great Commission. If you feel led to join our team, we would be delighted to hear from you so we can give you more information. Word of Life Evangelism Ministries (International) is located in Palm Beach, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa. We look forward to working together with you to win the lost for Jesus!
What the Ministry is all About...
The world is hurting. Across the television screens flash the awful scenes of starvation. Once lush grassland is now a desolate wasteland. Dry bones lie scattered all over, grim tombstones of remembrance to once fat and healthy animals which grazed the land. Even more horrific are the children, hardly recognizable as human forms. Their skin is like mummified parchment drawn tort over a spindly framework of bones. Drought. Malnutrition. Death. But even more terrifying for these millions of starving people is the fact that they enter eternity without Christ. Not only do they have no hope on this earth, but none of the life hereafter. The true fact is that millions of them have never even heard about Jesus. Many humanitarian organizations are trying to cope with an almost impossible situation of trying to feed the starving millions. Financial aid flows in from the United Nations, The European Union and the Red Cross, as well as from other sympathetic organizations and people from all over the world. Some of the humanitarian organizations are evangelical and are able not only to offer nourishment for these emaciated people, but also the Bread of Life. It is not the intention of Word of Life Evangelism Ministries to become involved with the physical feeding of the masses, as our hearts are touched by the spiritual hopelessness of these precious souls. Jesus said: "What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world, but lose his own soul?" To feed the hungry and to clothe them is scriptural, but they also need the gospel. That is the task and challenge that faces this ministry. If you cannot take up this challenge with us physically, then all we ask you is to pray. The "backroom boys" of prayer will give us the victory in the battle fields.
JESUS' command to His Church to evangelize was and still is the most important and greatest command He ever gave. Each person is one of the reasons why Christ came to this world. Jesus had many billions of reasons for His Death on Calvary. The people alive today are meant to be reached and this is the situation which we, as the Church of Jesus Christ are facing today. I challenge you not to hide behind church and chapel walls for self-edification. Although cathedrals and beautiful church buildings have architectural value, they only represent the tombs of the religious feudalism and are the remains of a sad era of church history that is slowly crumbling away.
What did Jesus have in mind when He said that we need to reach "all creatures" with the gospel? If it was His purpose for the church just to be present in all countries, cities and villages in a symbolic way, then we have gone a long way to fulfilling it. But if Jesus meant EVERYBODY is to be reached with the gospel, then up to now we have failed miserably. Many churches and congregations are satisfied within themselves when they are represented in a symbolic way in centers of population (sometimes in cities with a couple of million inhabitants). They rejoice over a few harvested sheaves and congratulate themselves for it, and yet 99 percent of the population around them is lost. WE MUST LEARN TO TAKE THE COMMAND TO EVANGELIZE VERY SERIOUSLY. Jesus meant what He said. The Great Commission means to give everybody a fair chance to either accept or reject the preaching of the cross. If this is so then we have fallen behind. We are certainly not following the Great Commission of our Lord. It is also a fact that NOT everyone can be an evangelist, but every Christian can pray. We all know that the harvest of souls is going to be great, we also recognize that the devil will attempt in many devious ways to hinder God's work in these last days. And this is where you can join us on the spiritual battlefield, linking together by faith and presenting our needs and requests before the Throne of Grace.
Finally; God's priorities must be our priorities. Jesus' primary reason in this world must not be made secondary. All our work should be directed to fulfilling this commission. People who are at the helm of mission organizations must be people who are sensitive to the way the Wind of the Holy Spirit blows. If they are not then they are leading a caravan into an endless desert of disappointment. It is time for the body of Christ to cast off from the shores of tradition and old ideas and to set sail with the billowing Wind of the Holy Spirit. And to enter into a new and wonderful way of church history. PRESS ON UNTIL THE WORLD ECHOES TO THE NAME OF JESUS.

Our Statement Of Faith

We Believe:

That the Bible is the inspired and only infallible and authoritative written Word Of God;

That there is only one God, eternally existent in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit;

In the Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of God the Father, His personal future return to this earth, in power and glory to rule;

In the blessed hope – the catching up of the church, and Christ’s second coming;

The only means of being cleansed from sin is through repentance and faith in the precious Blood of Jesus;

Re-generation by the Holy Spirit is essential for personal salvation;

The redemptive work of Christ on the cross provides healing for the body in response to believing prayer;

The baptism in the Holy Spirit, according to Acts 2:4, is given to believers who ask for it, with the evidence of “Speaking in tongues”;

In the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is able to live a holy life;

In the resurrection of both the saved and the lost, the one to everlasting life and the other to everlasting damnation.
